Accouting Part
When will I get a VAT invoice?
We issue a VAT invoice after the order is completed. By the 15th day of the month following the month in which the service was provided at the latest. We do not issue invoices before the end of the order.
When will I get an advance invoice?
We issue an advance invoice after prepayment and failure to complete the order by the 15th day of the month following the payment date.
If you have made a prepayment and want an advance invoice issued in the month of payment, tell the employee who serves you, he will do the rest.
However, you must do this by the end of the month you prepaid.
Why did I get an advance invoice?
You received an advance invoice because you prepaid the order and it was not processed by the 15th day of the month following the payment date.
Why is the invoice date different from the order sale date?
The invoice date differs from the date of sale, as we legally issue invoices by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the goods were delivered or the service was performed.
If you want these dates to be in the same month, tell the employee who serves you, he’ll do the rest. However, you must do this by the end of the month in which the order was fulfilled.
PS. We have a tax ruling for this 🙂
Why is our NIP not on the proforma?
Our tax identification number does not appear on the proforma, because the proforma is not an accounting document and the law does not require the tax identification number on the proforma.
What is our tax identification number and VAT-UE?
Our NIP number (tax identification number) is 756 191 06 60 and VAT-UE PL756 191 06 60
What is our bank account number?
Bank account number for EURO payments: DE14 2001 0020 0144 3672 00 Postbank AG
Bank account number for payments in PLN: 36 1050 1487 1000 0092 7322 0849 ING Bank Śląski S.A.
What is our bank account number reported to the VAT White List?
The bank account number reported to the White List of VAT is 36 1050 1487 1000 0092 7322 0849.
If you need confirmation see the finance ministry website. https://www.podatki.gov.pl/wykaz-podatnikow-vat-wyszukikuje
Where to call for invoices?
Each invoice shows the details of the person who issued it.
In the CONTACT section you will find e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
Oversize transport part
What is oversize transport and an oversized vehicle?
Oversize transport is the transport of cargo by a vehicle or a combination of vehicles, of which the axle loads, with or without a load, exceed the permissible standards specified in the regulations for a given road in a given country. It is also the one whose dimensions and weight, with or without a load, are greater than the permissible ones specified in road traffic regulations in a given country.
It requires the completion of a number of formalities, the most important of which is to obtain appropriate permits and organize a possible escort.
What is an indivisible load?
It is a load that cannot be divided into two or more smaller loads without disproportionately high costs or the risk of damage.
I have a standard transport combination - what is it?
A standard set is, in short, one whose empty / full dimensions do not exceed the “standard” dimensions in a given country, ie usually 16.5m x 2.55m x 4m – 40t for a tractor with a semi-trailer; 18.75m x 2.55m x 4m – 40t for a truck with a trailer, or 12m x 2.55m x 4m for solo trucks.
Spacing / distance between axles - what is it and how to measure. Are there "standard" wheelbases?
In an ideal world, each manufacturer would use the same axle distances when building their vehicles. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, so each manufacturer’s vehicles have slightly different dimensions, which means that standard wheelbases do not exist. We will often ask you to provide such distances, so the drawing below will help you measure the distance between the axles. Depending on the number of axles in the tractor and semi-trailer(truck+trailer), please measure the spacings:
- on the tractor and specification of dimensions A1, A2 etc.,
- between the last axle on the tractor and the first axle on the semi-trailer – dimension B
- depending on the number of axles on the trailer C1, C2 etc.
Below is an example of a measurement from one of our clients:
What documents are necessary to obtain a permit?
Necessary are:
- scans of tractor and trailer registration certificates
- international license scan
- a completed application with technical data and information necessary to obtain a permit, which we send by e-mail in response to the inquiry.
- in some countries more documents are required – information about this can be found in the tab about a given country on our website or we will provide this information by e-mail, after receiving your inquiry / order.
What data is needed to obtain the permit?
Virtually every country requires the following information to obtain a permit:
- tractor and semi-trailer registration numbers,
- full set dimensions (set + load), i.e. length x width x height x tonnage (number of axles in the tractor + number of axles in the semi-trailer),
- type and dimensions of cargo,
- relation (loading address – unloading address and the borders you want to cross the countries by),
- distances between the axles.
and sometimes more detailed information on transport / technical parameters. You can find out more in the OFFER section by clicking on individual countries.
How long do I have to wait for the permit
Each country has a specific approximate time to issue a permit – see the description of the countries on our website you are interested in, where such information is provided. We would also like to point out that this is only an illustrative time, which can be extended or shortened – it all depends on the complexity of a given transport and the availability of full staffing in a given office (often the vacation period / holidays result in a slight extension of waiting time).
What is Gutachten?
The opinion of a diagnostician on the technical parameters of a set or a vehicle that exceeds the permitted standards in the German vehicle roadworthiness code (StVZO).
On the basis of the Gutachten made, we can apply for a deviation from the technical conditions in accordance with paragraph 70 of the German vehicle roadworthiness code.
What is it and when do I need paragraph 70 StVZO?
Deviation from the technical conditions in accordance with Paragraph 70 of the German Vehicle Registration Code.
Paragraph 70 of the StVZO does not authorize you to travel. It is required when applying for a permit for oversize transport, but only in Germany, when at least one of the following conditions is met:
- the empty set has dimensions larger than the standard ones, i.e. one of the following dimensions is exceeded: 16.5m x 2.55m x 4m – 40t,
- the set can be extended,
- the loaded transport combination exceeds the total tonnage, i.e. 40t,
- the axle loads in the full set are exceeded.
The Gutachten is the necessary document to apply for the issuance of Paragraph 70 of the StVZO. When applying for a permanent paragraph, Gutachten cannot be older than 18 months.
Why don't I get paragraph 70 for the transport of divisible cargo and parcels from amazon 🙂?
Paragraph 70 only authorizes the carriage of indivisible loads or possibly the main load with the necessary accessories (for example, an excavator with a removable bucket and wheels). The transport of general cargo / divisible loads is unfortunately inconsistent with the conditions for obtaining this document.
Why is the permit so expensive? Why does it take so long when I want to have it now?
Each country has a different price list for each type of permit and the waiting time for them. Unfortunately, we cannot answer the question why it is so expensive and it takes so long. We can only assume that this is dictated by the economic situation of a given country and the number of requests for permits at a given time. The fact that in some countries it takes a long time and is much more expensive than elsewhere does not depend on us, but if it depended, the permits would be relatively cheap and issued in the shortest possible time guaranteeing safe passage 🙂
We would also like to point out that the price to be paid for the permit is disproportionately lower than any penalties for not having it.
How do I know which routes in Germany I will be driving? 😀
You will find the answer to this question in the issued permit. In case of any problems, we will help you determine the route in accordance with the conditions of the permit.
Is the commission included in you price? How high is it?
The commission is always included in the costs we provide in the quote and is adequate to the work put in 🙂
How do we work
Is it you who draws the route in the permit, because I would like to go this way and that way?
Can you take any dimensions for me - I do not know what dimensions my set has in the end?
We can help and advise you if you wish – that’s what we’re here for 🙂
What labeling should be in a given country?
On our blog (blog under construction 🙂) you will find articles in which we try to describe the requirements for abnormal transport as accurately as possible.
What are the times of travel?
Do I have to stick to the route and permit conditions?
Does the driver have to have the permit / paragraph 70 StVZO with him?
In addition, in Germany, the driver must always have the original of Paragraph 70 for a given set with him.
Why do I need to know the regulations of the country in which I want to drive?
We follow the principle: Ignorance of the law does not exempt from obeying it.
Is the pilot responsible for the transport?
Why did my friend get a permit for cosmic dimensions and a million sets and I can't get the same one (only my friend doesn't want to show this permit 😉)?
Will the County Office issue me a permit for the whole of Europe?
What does it mean to adapt the road infrastructure and when will I know how much does it cost?
In some cases, the approximate cost can be found after obtaining the permit and even before the start. However, sometimes the final cost is only known after the transport has been completed, during which the infrastructure has been adjusted.
Is the road toll included in the permit?
Can you make changes to already issued permits?
Why did I get a route rejection?
Why do I have to answer so many questions and why do I need so much data to submit a permit?
The police stopped me. And what's next?
Do I need to have an exact loading / unloading address to be able to apply for a permit?
What are the penalties for not having a permit?
Many hauliers focus only on the financial penalties for driving without a permit, which often exceed the cost of obtaining one. Avoiding a fine and/or, for example, having to reload goods, is not the only benefit that a permit provides.
Delays are stressful, and having your truck stopped for an extended period, say, for a week, is even worse.
What do you gain by having a permit?
First and foremost, you can avoid the following week-long hassle:
⛔ with the office that needs to issue the permit, which often uncooperatively drags its feet in such situations,
⛔ with drivers stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere, who understandably want to finish the job and get home as soon as possible,
⛔ with clients waiting for their delivery and threatening with contractual penalties,
⛔ and a bit with us, as we really want to help, but we’re still in training when it comes to miracles 😎
Downtime, stopped vehicles, wasted working hours, loss of client trust, failure to deliver services on time—these are the real and long-term consequences. Our offer ensures peace of mind in planning and executing your tasks.
What are the penalties for not having a permit?
Many hauliers focus only on the financial penalties for driving without a permit, which often exceed the cost of obtaining one. Avoiding a fine and/or, for example, having to reload goods, is not the only benefit that a permit provides.
Delays are stressful, and having your truck stopped for an extended period, say, for a week, is even worse.
What do you gain by having a permit?
First and foremost, you can avoid the following week-long hassle:
⛔ with the office that needs to issue the permit, which often uncooperatively drags its feet in such situations,
⛔ with drivers stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere, who understandably want to finish the job and get home as soon as possible,
⛔ with clients waiting for their delivery and threatening with contractual penalties,
⛔ and a bit with us, as we really want to help, but we’re still in training when it comes to miracles 😎
Downtime, stopped vehicles, wasted working hours, loss of client trust, failure to deliver services on time—these are the real and long-term consequences. Our offer ensures peace of mind in planning and executing your tasks.
Don’t you think such peace of mind is worth its weight in gold 💰?
In which country can I travel in a convoy?
On the basis of which documents can I submit / register a vehicle in the Netherlands?
Technical documents issued by the vehicle manufacturer are required for registration, such as:
- COC certificate
- approval certificate
- Technical Specifications,
- technical drawing,
- ficha tecnica
- scheda tecnica
or an authorized diagnostic documents, e.g. Gutachten.
Each of the above-mentioned documents must be described with the VIN number of the vehicle it relates to.
In case of problems with obtaining such a document from the manufacturer, we will be glad to help you obtain it.
Can I have my own escort? Where and in which countries?
In some countries it is possible, e.g. in Sweden, Germany, but the pilot vehicle and the pilot itself must be properly marked and have the appropriate qualifications (if required in this country). Additionally, the pilot should be able to communicate with the control authorities in a given country – in the applicable language or, in some cases, in English. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of a given country on our website, where you will find such information.
Can I drive with the curtain on the trailer/semi-trailer open?
Unfortunately not. According to the opinions of diagnosticians, the semi-trailer meets the approval conditions only with the door closed, so driving with the door open or dismantled is illegal and may lead to stopping transport, handling and imposing penalties on the driver and the company.
Why is there a prepayment, do you not trust me?
1. Access to permits:
In light of the laws in the countries where we apply for permits for our clients, as the
applicant, only we have access and the ability to make any changes.
2. Advance payments as a standard:
As representatives of our clients in handling administrative matters, we must make
advance payments for most of our orders.
3. Timeliness of payments:
In cases where we receive a payment deadline from the authority, we cannot and do
not want to exceed the specified date. The consequence of delays is the refusal of
cooperation by the institution and the blocking of the possibility of processing
applications or performing operations on already issued permits.
4. Guarantee of full access:
Our advance payments guarantee our clients full access to the commissioned
permits, including making changes (additions, registration number changes,
extensions) to existing permits. This ensures that the permits we apply for, especially
multi-year permits, will be available to the client.
5. Protection of client interests:
By making advance payments, we protect our clients' interests, keeping our company
in good financial condition, which allows for timely settlement of all payments.
6. Strong business relationships:
In our other services, thanks to advance payments, we build strong business
relationships with contractors with whom we regularly cooperate. Thanks to our
reputation as a good payer, we ensure our clients' orders are handled by industry
7. Minimization of delay risk:
Invoices get lost, the accountant is on vacation/quarantine/not in the office/every
excuse is good to delay payment… By making advance payments, our client gains the
guarantee of our commitment and swift handling of the order, minimizing the risk of
delays and problems with execution.
8. Cost savings:
If we had to establish a debt collection department responsible for monitoring payment
deadlines on invoices, we would have to raise our prices due to increased operating
costs. Based on experience, we conclude that documentation costs are already high
for carriers.
9. Mutual respect and trust:
Mutual respect and trust in cooperation are extremely valuable to us. Where we do
not develop such a relationship, we do not risk the lives of our employees' families
and the accumulated documentation of nearly 2,000 clients.
10. Shared values:
We serve companies that align with our values. This makes working for such a client
full of satisfaction and dedication.