According to Regulation 8/2015 of April 30, 2015, marking of oversized vehicles is required when at least one of the dimensions mentioned below in the text is exceeded.
First, however, a few technical issues regarding the applied marking:
a) All lighting markings must be securely attached to the vehicle. The use of magnetic brackets or hangers is allowed, with a maximum deviation of no more than 10° during front and rear oscillations. Multiple installation and removal of lighting markings are also allowed.
b) The vehicle marking (e.g., warning signs/foils) is placed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle (side marking) and perpendicular to the same axis (front and rear marking). Minor deviations due to the specific nature of the load are permissible
c) Marking in the form of yellow flashing and strobe lights must comply with UNECE Regulation No. 65 Category T or Category X or possess official approval. Lighting markings should be positioned in a manner that satisfies the following conditions:
- 360° horizontal visibility
- Minimum 8° upward vertical visibility

- The visibility of the light beam on a surface located at a height of 1 meter from the road and parallel to it should be 20 meters (± 1 meter), measured from the end of the vehicle.
- If several warning lights are installed on the vehicle, it is sufficient for one of them to be always visible within the specified field of view.
- In case the conditions 1-3 are not met, it is necessary to install additional rotating beacons (as presented in the graphic below).

Now, let’s get into the specifics…
In Germany, transport is considered oversized (with or without a load) when the width exceeds 2.55 meters. However, mandatory marking applies to vehicles exceeding a width of 2,75 meters and/or a length of 20,75 meters.
We have divided the article into two parts:
If the vehicle’s width is greater than 2,75 meters but up to 3 meters (you may choose one of the following) | Width of the vehicle above 3 meters (you may choose one of the following) |
Warning plates with the appropriate approval should have a size of 423±5 mm

Warning foil (width 141 mm, length at least 423 mm) compliant with DIN 30710 (status: 1990-03)

Warning signs for marking long or heavy vehicles according to the EU Regulation ECE-70.
They should be positioned at the rear either as full markings (top) or as horizontal markings (bottom):

If the width of the vehicle exceeds 3 m, at least one yellow flashing or strobe light is additionally required. If the geometric visibility requires it, an appropriately larger number of lights should be installed.

Mounting of the markings:
- Warning plates and foils should be positioned at a maximum height of 1.5 meters (measured from the upper edge of the reflective surface) above the road, on the outermost edge of the vehicle.
- Stripes must run diagonally and align with the vehicle’s outline. If warning signs/foils are fully visible, they can be shifted inward from the outer lateral edge by no more than 0.1 meters.

Vehicles with a length exceeding 20.75 meters should have one lighting marking in the form of a yellow flashing or strobe light (or more if geometric visibility requires).

Vehicles with variable lengths must, in each configuration, comply with the provisions of § 51a paragraphs 1 and 6 of the StVZO, which describe the type and mounting of side marker lights and side reflector lights.
The following principle of lighting arrangement should be applied:

Ciągnik >6m długości – Truck >6m length
Każde w odległości max 3m – Each at a maximum distance of 3m
*w wyjątkowych przypadkach ze względu na rodzaj konstrukcji maksymalnie 1500mm – *In exceptional cases due to the type of construction, a maximum of 1500mm
Marking of cargo protruding beyond the vehicle’s outline should be placed directly on the cargo. It is also permissible to position the markings in the immediate vicinity of the cargo using devices designed for this purpose, such as telescopic holders.
In the case where the cargo protrudes beyond the vehicle’s lateral outline only on one side, the marking is placed only on the protruding part. The total width in this case includes the vehicle’s width along with the protruding cargo (including its securing measures).
1. WIDTH – Cargo protruding beyond the vehicle’s lateral outline
If the vehicle’s width is greater than 2,75 meters but up to 3 meters (you may choose one of the following) | Width of the vehicle above 3 meters (you may choose one of the following) |
Warning signs with the appropriate approval should have dimensions of 423mm x 423mm (Type A) or 282mm x 282mm (Type B)

Warning foil (width 141 mm, length at least 423 mm) compliant with DIN 30710 (status: 1990-03)

If the width of the vehicle exceeds 3 m, at least one yellow flashing or strobe light is additionally required. If the geometric visibility requires it, an appropriately larger number of lights should be installed.

Mounting of the markings:
- Warning signs and foils should be positioned at a maximum height of 1.5 meters (measured from the upper edge of the reflective surface) above the road. In exceptional cases where maintaining a maximum distance of 1.5 meters is not possible (e.g., when transporting cone-shaped objects), marking with yellow flashing lights (one or more) is permitted.
- Stripes must run diagonally and align with the outline of the protruding cargo or its protruding parts. If warning signs/foils are fully visible, they can be shifted inward from the outer lateral edge by no more than 0.1 meters.

a. Cargo protruding beyond the rear outline of the vehicle up to 1 meter
If the required vehicle marking is covered or the requirements for geometric visibility are not met, the following conditions apply:
1) Additional marking should be placed while adhering to the guidelines mentioned above (see the principle of lighting arrangement for empty lengths).
2) If repositioning the marking in accordance with the guidelines is not possible, white or yellow retroreflective tape type C, compliant with EU Regulation ECE No. 104, should be mounted

The marked surface with tape should meet the following criteria:
- Cover at least 80% of the distance from visible and uncovered lighting markings.Gaps between the strips should not exceed 1 meter.
- The strips should be positioned no higher than 1.5 meters above the road.
3) The marking of cargo protruding to the rear must also be indicated using at least one approved rear light when one of the following conditions is met:
- the start of a sunset (in the case of overcast weather, rain, or significant fog much earlier).
- lack of daylight (driving in darkness/night).
- during low visibility (of vehicles and pedestrians).
b. Cargo protruding beyond the rear outline of the vehicle by more than 1 meter
Side marking options (to choose from):
- white or yellow retroreflective tape type C compliant with EU Regulation ECE No. 104. The marked surface with strips should cover at least 80% of the total length of the cargo protruding beyond the outline and reach the end of the cargo.

zwis ładunku poza obrys – load overhang outside the outline
- Side marker lights and side marker lights on each side of the load protruding beyond the outline, placed no more than 1 m apart. At least one side marker light and one side marker light should be placed on the outermost edge on each side of the load protruding beyond the outline.

zwis ładunku poza obrys – load overhang outside the outline
każde w odległości max 1m – Each at a maximum distance of 1m
In the case of transport according to §22 para. 4 StVO (e.g., a 3-meter load over a distance of up to 100 km), the above guidelines do not apply. However, it is recommended to use the appropriate marking for loads protruding more than 1m beyond the vehicle’s outline.
Rear marking (optional):
Warning signs of type A or B.

Reflective foil (width 141 mm, minimum length 423 mm) in accordance with DIN 30710 (status: 1990-03).

Warning plates / foil and rear lights that may be required can be placed at a maximum height of 1.5 meters above the road.
If the load extends from the rear at a height greater than 1.5 meters, there are two possible solutions:
- escorting vehicle as a substitute for rear load marking.
- use of magnetic holders or hangers, with the degree of deviation during forward and backward swings not exceeding 10°.