There was a new system for applying for permits introduced in Germany in mid-2020. After that, the appearance of the permit has changed slightly.
Since then, we have many questions about the overall dimensions of the loaded set in the permit, which are now often on the second page (if we have a long list of registration numbers), rather than on the first page as before.
Overall dimensions of the loaded set are often confused with cargo dimensions, which are now positioned in front of the overall dimensions of the assembly, which unnecessarily gives rise to anxiety and unhealthy pressure on the permit reader.
Therefore, we would like to make it easier for you to “read” such permission through a short guide below, using the example document.
Read on to find out:
– what to look for when you read the German permit;
– what is the difference between a transport combination with Paragraph 70 StVZO, and a transport combination without this document;
– where to check if the requested period of validity of the permit has not been changed;
– after which you will know that the route has been changed by the official.
On the first two pages you will find, among other things, information about the carrier, the permit validity period, dimensions of the load and the set with the load, and the route (marked with letters A – H).
At the top of each page you will also find the authorization number (a sequence of numbers before the letter B) and its version (number after the letter B).

Part A contains information about the applicant and the transport company, as well as the office where the permit was issued.
We would like to remind you that the name of the company and its address specified in the permit must be identical to those on the carrier’s license on which the company operates.

The next part (B) tells us what type of permit has been applied for (for a single journey, short-term (1 to 3 months) or permanent (maximum one year for specified route or maximum 3 years for permanent permits for the entire territory of Germany) .
We can also find here information on whether the authorization was applied for for standard sets or for sets with Paragraph 70 of the StVZO.
When the box next to the word Erlaubnis is ticked, we are talking about a permit that has been issued for a paragraph set(s). However, when only the Ausnahmegenehmigung gem. § 46 Abs. 1 Nr 5 StVO i.V.m. box is selected, then it is a permit for standard sets.
The explanation of the concept and the difference between the standard set and the one with Paragraph 70 of the StVZO can be found in our FAQ.

Part C shows the required period of validity of the permit and the number of passages.

ATTENTION! The final validity period can be changed by the office and then it is visible on page 3. Depending on whether the right or left box is ticked, it means that the period of validity of the permit is as requested and is stated on the first page or has been shortened and then the date is stated next to this information.
If we jumped to page 3 for a moment, there is also information about the cost of the official permit, which is always visible and we do not hide it, as the competition sometimes does

Returning to the first page, we come to part D which describes the cargo carried. Here we can find information about the type of cargo and its dimensions.

Next (E) is given the type of vehicle (whether it is, for example, a truck and a semi-trailer, or a lorry with a trailer, or a crane, a self-propelled machine, etc.), as well as registration numbers and VIN numbers, as well as the maximum speed at which the set can move.

Part F contains information on the dimensions of the set, empty and loaded, and how much the load sticks out to the left and right after loading, as well as what the rear / front overhang is.
In the given example, there are no empty dimensions given, which may mean that the empty set fits in the standard dimensions or that the set is empty (if the dimensions are larger than the standard ones), for example, the company has another permanent permit.

On the next page of the permit, part G is a list of the axle pressures, distances between axles and number of wheels on individual axles. This information is entered in the license when the total mass of the set (in part F) exceeds 40t.
Part G1 is for an empty passage, while part G2 is for a full passage.

The last described, but very important part of the permit is point H, where the route is written out. There may also be a gray marker here to let you know that your route has changed. If there is no change information in part H, follow the mapped route. However, if (as below) we have a sticker with information that the route has been changed, go to Annex 2 (usually starts from page 5), where the final route is given, according to which you should move with the dimensions.

Please note that each permit is different. The first three pages usually contain information as described above. Depending on the type of permit (single, multiple or permanent), the permit will contain more or less information.
If you have any doubts about understanding the content of the permit, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to dispel all your doubts.